The Health Care District did a great job.
On the day I got my first vaccine, Florida reported 5,093 new Covid cases and 94 more deaths bringing the death toll to 33,219 and the total case count to almost 2 million.
By the time you read this, those numbers will have increased. But we know that the numbers only tell part of the Covid story.
Every “stat” is a person with a family, friends—a life. This virus is a beast—it is not the flu.
Covid can be lethal and for those who survive but suffer from “long hauler” symptoms, it’s not something that you can just power past.
So when I got an appointment to get my first shot last week at the South County Civic Center in West Delray I was thrilled.
Sometimes you don’t realize how stressed you are until you experience relief. And truth be told, I’ve been worried about re-infection and anxious about the variants I’ve been reading about.
I was able to book an appointment with two of my co-workers so went together. Like most Americans—indeed most humans—they’ve been touched by Covid with family members suffering from the virus and with a few relatives dying as a result.
We talked about how lucky we were to be getting the vaccine and how sad it is for those who died before a vaccine was available.
I’m especially grateful because I thought this virus was it for me. So when I sat down, rolled up my sleeve and thanked the Palm Beach Fire Rescue “vaccinator” for giving me the shot, I got a little choked up.
He asked me if everything was OK and I said “oh yeah, I am so happy to be sitting here right now.”
He talked to me briefly about soreness and side effects and truth be told, I barely listened. Because a little soreness or a fever doesn’t compare with 39 days in the hospital wondering if I’d ever see my loved ones again. Bring it on, if it spares millions from the horrors of this disease I’m all in.
Yes, I’ve seen the anti-vaxxer screeds on the Internet and social media—isn’t the First Amendment grand? But I’m throwing my lot in with the scientists. I have faith in them. I am so grateful for their efforts.
These vaccines are modern day miracles, I believe they will save millions of lives.
That’s my firm belief.
Everyone is entitled to their own views, but I’m rooting for people to take the vaccine and I’m rooting for herd immunity because I’ve felt the ferocity of this virus from inside the belly of the beast. It didn’t want to let me go and it has claimed a ridiculous amount of lives.
And every day…every single day… when I ache, experience headaches and feel some “brain fog” I am reminded that I had this thing.
I don’t say this to elicit sympathy, I know that I am a very lucky man.
I chose at the beginning of this experience to share with you the good, the bad and the ugly in the hope, that maybe my sharing would raise some awareness.
So we chronicled it all. I say we because I’ve had a lot of help all along the way.
We talked about long haul issues and the emotional aspects of Covid, because the pandemic has unleashed a lot of trauma on society.
To continue in that vein, I wanted to come full circle and share about vaccines.
My belief: they are safe and effective.
My hope: you will get vaccinated.
After taking the shot, they ask you to stay 15 minutes to see if you have a reaction. I sat with a bunch of people who were just jubilant. You could sense the relief and the emotion in the room. A woman nearby cried softly and said she wished her mother had lived long enough to get the vaccine–Covid took her a few months before the shots were approved. Yet, amidst the sadness there was a lot of joy and a lot of relief too.
I sat there with a sense of hope and pride; hope for a better future and pride that we have the scientific chops to protect humanity. It was a very powerful moment.
Let’s do all we can to get our lives back.
Let’s do all we can to help our health care workers who have been through so much and let’s support our local businesses who have suffered mightily by doing what we can to venture out again.
That’s my hope, that’s my prayer. I hope you and your loved ones are spared now and forever.
Thanks for sharing. I got the 2nd shot feb 2 and what a relief. Still have not seen my family in almost 1.5 years since no non essential travel is recommended. None of my family in AZ has gotten vaccinated though I wish they would
I really hope you get to see them soon Ms. Levy. Wishing you well and glad you got the vaccine.
Your message certainly resonates for those of us who had the virus and then experienced the relief of getting the vaccine. It’s difficult to describe the effects of this virus to those who have been fortunate enough to not have contracted it. COVID is not just a physical malady. It plays with your head. Having the vaccine puts many of these fears in the past, giving us confidence that we are not at risk for re-infection while providing protection for loved ones. As you said, this thing is a “beast”. We can bully the bully by fighting it with masks, social distancing, and the vaccine. Thanks for your message, my friend. Dave
Well said my friend and brother in this Covid journey/experience. Yours are words to literally live by.
Blessed to now have vaccine on board for both Wife and I. We are more normal than we have been in the last year because of it, but we still keep our guard up. By the way Friend, you led us through the experience of keeping up with the most difficult challenge of your life, each day, each prayer, each phone call. Your example inspires! You’ve got a ton of friends who care a lot about you and Diane. We are blessed that you are still with us.
I am indeed blessed. And blessed to have friends such as you.
Please know that you are saving lives and heartache for those who have been reading your thoughtful postings. Thank you.
Thank you so much Andy. That sure means a lot.