Yulia at Angel’s Landing, Zion National Park.
“Never underestimate your dreams. If there is a will, there is a way to get anything you want in life.” –Yulia
Did you ever want to chuck it all?
Start fresh.
Pick up and go.
Are you intrigued by adventure?
Do you admire the risk takers, the ‘go for it’ segment of our society who just seem to know how to live, really live?
I think it’s a feeling many if not most of us have experienced and while we may fantasize or even dip our toes into something different, the ties that bind tend to keep us in our place.
Not so for my friend Yulia Konovnitsyna.
She’s on a grand adventure as I write this. Or maybe that’s not the right word. Because an adventure implies a beginning, a middle and an end. My friend Yulia has changed her life and has adopted a new way of living. I’m living vicariously through her travels with her dog Milo across our great country.
I’m having a great time doing so. Even if sometimes her posts stir a longing deep in my soul for change and transformation.
The Grand Tetons, Zion National Park, Antelope Canyon, Arches National Park and many, many stops along the way.
Yulia shares her photos and thoughts on social media—and they are sensational. She is a digital marketing entrepreneur and somehow she is managing to grow her business, serve her clients and live a life of adventure.
She’s sharing under the name “Many Soulful Miles” and I find that moniker fitting. Yulia is a soulful person and very much an old soul.
While she’s young in age, she positively oozes wisdom.
I started to hear about her a few years back through my friend Karen Granger, then the president of the Delray Chamber of Commerce.
“You’ve got to meet Yulia,” Karen would gush. “She’s amazing.”
Knowing Karen’s keen sense of people and her ability to spot talent I was intrigued.
So Yulia and I met at The Coffee District and I was very impressed.
My three passions are community, entrepreneurship and leadership—and Yulia ticked all three boxes. She was building a community through Creative Mornings Palm Beach, she was clearly a leader of that movement and she was an entrepreneur with an inspiring immigration story.
We became friends. She asked me to speak to Creative Mornings (which was an honor and a thrill) and I was happy when she announced that she was hitting the road with her adorable dog Milo.
I look forward to her posts—the photos and videos are magnificent. But it’s the occasional long form posts that I relish. Her thoughts on travel, on work, solitude, narcissism, friendship, self-reliance and the beauty of the places she visits are just wonderful. Soulful too…and we all need a little more soul these days.
As I stare down my 55th birthday in a few weeks, chances are I will never quite replicate what Yulia is doing but who knows? Maybe, just maybe Diane and I will steal away with our rescue dogs for an adventure. But right now, it’s August and I’m still trying to plan a vacation.
I have a strong hunch that this is more than an adventure for Yulia. She may have found a way to live her best life, yet another reason to admire her.
Who knows where the road will lead? Nobody really does. But if you make them soulful miles, well then maybe, just maybe you’ll discover the answers to a lot of life’s mysteries.
Thank you so much, Jeff. I’m honored by this highlight and treasure our friendship. And I hope you know how much of an impact you had on my journey.
Yulia you have inspired me and so many others. Miss you and proud to call you a friend. Be safe and best to Milo. Jeff