5X NBA Champion
Kobe Bryant was once asked how he dealt with the everyday criticism and hatred of others, by a fan who added the hashtag “#QuestionforGOAT.”
His answer?
“I don’t.”
You have to love that answer.
It speaks to a champion’s heart.
“Haters are a good problem to have,” Kobe once said. ” Nobody hates the good ones. They hate the great ones.”
Isn’t that the truth. Sad as it may be.
The tragic death of Kobe Bryant and eight others in a helicopter crash yesterday prompted a worldwide outpouring of shock and sadness.
Bryant, only 41, was soaring in his post basketball career, an inspiration not only to sports fans but also to mid and late career professionals who admired his entrepreneurial endeavors and his ability to reinvent himself after a legendary career with the Lakers.
Many athletes can’t make the transition after their sports careers end.
They miss the cheers and adulation and live in the past chasing the glory days.
Not Kobe.
He became an investor, entrepreneur, creator, artist and reportedly a very devoted dad.
He understood that his relentless will to win would also lead to success in business.
Based on some recent articles, it seems he was fulfilled and excited about the future. There’s no doubt that his second act was shaping up to be legendary as well.
It’s a shame that we will never get to see the next chapter.
I enjoy reading about successful people. What makes them tick? What keeps them going once they succeed? What enables them to keep trying when they fail?
The great ones are truly different. They are truly special.
They inspire us, energize us, challenge us and take us to new places.
Kobe was one of those people.
He was some kind of basketball player. Just a next level talent and competitor.
He was doing some special things as an entrepreneur too.
What a loss.
Keep your loved ones close. It’s all so fragile. And can be taken away in an instant.
He was not a perfect man by had the heart of a champion. I respect his devotion to the community and the next generation. To whom much is given much is expected.
Well said.