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Hello Again…
Ya Gotta Believe
I stumbled across a memory last week and it stayed with me.
We are going to need bold new ideas to survive the post coronavirus world, which will surely be different.
The first order of business is to survive. The second is to recover and thrive. The cities that dream and act will be the ones that thrive.
The ones that wallow in despair and enable dysfunction will sink.
Let’s be the former.
Ya gotta believe.
Culture is Everything
Something is wrong in Delray Beach.
Granted, we are in a pandemic and preoccupied. But dysfunction in City Hall in a pandemic, during hurricane season with a projected budget shortfall of $10 million won’t make it easier to recover. We need to be paying attention and we need to demand better results and offer our help.
Random Thoughts
Planning Is Great; Action Is Better
It happened a long time ago, so I guess it’s safe to tell the story.
Father & Sons
My father and I have a lot in common.
The Dream Is Local
We got a nice email from the Delray Beach Historical Society last week.
I couldn’t get enough.
Many people appreciated the effort. Because we had relationships the effort was viewed by most—as sincere and needed. Others thought we were rocking the boat.
The Future of Policing: Relationships
Our national dialogue is fraught.
We Need Beacons Not Demagogues
Representative John Lewis on the bridge where he was tear gassed. He never took his eyes off the prize.
Congressman John Lewis is an American hero.
Isn’t it time to try something else?