Word came last week that a Delray Beach city employee was cleared of wrongdoing after more than a year of innuendo and uncertainty.
And if you have a culture that eats people up and spits them out it doesn’t take a management degree to understand that it’s going to be hard to attract and keep a talented staff.
I spent seven years on the city commission and have been following local government here and elsewhere for almost 35 years. If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that a good staff makes a world of difference and a poor staff can cost you dearly.
Both in terms of legal fees (which we pay as taxpayers) but more importantly in terms of the toll it takes on victims and all who know and love them.
A couple of questions, who exactly makes up the Ethics Committee? Since the Mayor and the commissioners are all elected officials, how do the residents (in reality their bosses) get the Ethics Committee to investigate them. With a laundry list of long time employees being terminated for no reason, and two employees being brought before the ethics Committee and being cleared of any wrong doing. It sounds like the Commissioners behind this may be trying to clean house of everyone that will not stand silent if things are not done properly.
We need to make elected officials realize that they are here at our will and not to act on their own agendas.
Hi Mariann, it’s an independent body based in West Palm Beach.
Great Commentary and thanks for truth.
Thanks Ms. Wright. I know you understand.
Good argument, Jeff. Just a wee typo: “People should have the right to face their accusers and they should know what their being accused of, especially after more than a year.” … Should be “people should know what they’re being accused of….”
We know it doesnt have to be this way. The practice of hiring a new City Manager, who comes in and starts building a kingdom of his people as department heads, is and has been destructive beyond anything I have witnessed . Louzier, deJesus, Gretsas. Look at the damage and expense in their wake. All three were about hiding their actions. We got off lucky, those Gentlemen are still costing our City and the Cities they left before us.
The staff is working together and going about getting the job done, let’s just support them,! Time for a change.
Jeff, great to have you back, You are an amazing writer, always have been.
Spoken by someone who has been there and knows what it takes.
Jamael and Michael are honorable, good men who were dedicated to the good of this city and it’s youth. It’s despicable the way that they have been treated.
Holy Moly – as a 35 year resident of this fair city and vote in every election, I’ve seen our downtown’s rebirth – both the good and the not-so good. I vote, every time. Sadly I thought our last city election took a rather “dark” turn from some candidates.
Now we are losing dollars from city coffers to pay for attorneys, contract buy-outs on top of losing skilled, committed workers.
How did we get here? How do we correct the perceived toxic environment in City Hall? How do we, as a city, move forward? There are 49,980 registered voters in our city and 11,120 or 22% voted in the March election.
TODAY more than ever it’s time to VOTE locally, statewide, and nationally for a better future for us all.
Well said. It’s all about awareness and voting. We need to pay attention and support candidates who will right the ship. We stand for what we tolerate.
Hi Jeff, so glad you’re doing well, stay healthy Mr Mayor 🙂
What’s the deal with truehomestead.com — more bat shit crazy
Thanks Kevro, and I will check out that site.