Time & Lasting Impact

Stanley Tate: from humble beginnings to lasting prominence and impact.

In three weeks, I’ll be 60.

It’s a birthday my mother, who passed away in 1998 at age 59, never saw.

That sad fact gives me pause. Because she didn’t get this far, I’ve been contemplating this birthday for a while now. It’s been there– on the horizon— for 26 years. Now it’s here.

I think about mom every single day.

I miss her.

Some days that dull ache is sharp.

Whenever I see a movie she would have loved; whenever there’s a family milestone I know she would have savored, I feel that loss and the experience becomes bittersweet. She’s missed by so many.  She’s missed so much.

Four years ago at this very time, I was in the throes of a knock-down brawl with Covid.

There were moments—too many to contemplate—where I did not think I would get out of Bethesda alive. I try not to think about that period, but I still do. There are times when I can’t quiet my mind. There are mornings when I wake up and for a split second, I’m back in that loud ICU room isolated, struggling to breathe.

Then I realize I’m safe, and a wave of gratitude washes over me. I’m thankful to be alive. I’m thankful for the good in my life. I’m aware of how fragile we are.

During my Covid battle, I kept thinking that if I didn’t make it, I would be younger than my mother was when she lost her battle with cancer. I thought about all that she missed; grandchildren growing up and doing great things, time with my dad, time in Florida, a place she loved.

What would I have missed if that damn virus claimed me?

Four years later, millions of lives later, I think about those who didn’t make it. I think of their families, and I think of those whose lives were transformed by long Covid.

They say that people grow when challenged. I believe that’s true.

Strength through adversity is the phrase.

“The strongest steel is forged by the hottest fires. It is pounded and struck repeatedly… The fire gives it power and flexibility, and the blows give it strength,” says the writer, Sherrilyn Kenyon. “Those two things make the metal pliable and able to withstand every battle it’s called upon to fight.”


But sometimes those fires engulf people. Sometimes the strongest people succumb.

That realization puts everything in perspective. We are all passing through. Let’s make the most of it. That’s my prayer for everyone.

It’s what we do with the time we are given that matters. Life is about love. Life is about service. Life is about connections.

It’s also about faith, creating and appreciating magic, making and keeping friends and leaving things better than we found them. My mom did all of that and more.

She continues to inspire and inform me. Life may end, but love endures.

A Life In Service to the future

Florida lost a giant last week with the passing of Stanley Tate, a self-made millionaire who was instrumental in the creation and development of the Florida Prepaid College Program.

Mr. Tate died at his Bal Harbour home on July 26. He was 96.

Mr. Tate grew up in a tiny Brooklyn apartment and came to the Sunshine State to attend the University of Florida. He waited tables to pay for college and then became a South Florida real estate mogul. He was well-known in Delray as the developer of the High Point community.

Mr. Tate started the Florida Prepaid program with $600,000 of his own money. The program has helped thousands of parents afford college for their children by allowing those enrolled to lock in tuition rates from the time their children are born. It’s a brilliant model.

In my work at the Carl Angus DeSantis Foundation, we took advantage of Mr. Tate’s vision by investing in Take Stock in Children which buys prepaid plans to make college affordable for students who would not otherwise be able to get an education without the lower tuition rates.

Mr. Tate’s legacy is a big one. He will be missed, but his work continues.









  1. Jan Savarick says

    Jeff, It’s always a pleasure reading anything you put out.
    This was particularly moving; a beautiful tribute to your mother, and a time to reflect on our own mortality, and how precious every day is.

    And finally, Stanley Tate. If I hadn’t purchased Florida Prepaid for my children when I could afford it, I don’t know what I would have done, when fortune took a cruel turn of events on my finances (that story is for another time).
    Stanley Tate truly made a difference in the lives of thousands and thousands of families. His legacy will definitely live on…especially with the assistance of forward thinking individuals and Foundations like the Carl Angus DeSantis Foundation.
    Jeff, Keep inspiring us!!!

  2. Hey, Jeff – Welcome to the club! My older sister and I have both outlived our parents who died in their 60s – way too soon. Both were true full-of-life and memorable characters who were both addicted to nicotine, and they died 11 months apart – could not live without each other. Tragically, our younger sister died of the same addiction at age 51. Hence my lecture to everyone I see smoking – “Smoking is Suicide – you need to quit”…
    The memories of my parents come in waves – some are gentle nudges of wonderful times past, and others are crashing reminders leading to extreme sadness that my children’s children will never meet these extraordinary humans…so sad.
    Since I know you, I know the extraordinary person your Mother must have been – kindness and greatness don’t just happen – they are cultivated by love and nurturing. Keep up the good work!

    • Jeff Perlman says

      What beautiful words Christina. Your advice on smoking is spot on. Thanks for sharing these insights about your wonderful family.

  3. Ted Hoskinson says

    Every time … I mean every time I read one of these I understand more clearly how it always an individual who makes a difference in the lives of so many individuals they will never know. I have often mused about how history would have been better taught through the eyes of individuals rather than events. Imagine no Interstate Road system if not for a President and General who understood the need. Since both my parents are gone, your tribute to your mom touched my heart, and reminded me of countless lessons taught. And thank you for introducing me to Stanley Tate, another individual who has made and will continue to make a difference in the lives of so many. As I approach the ripe young age of 78, I often reflect on the words of Robert Frost: “But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep. …” I am reminded every day about how fragile and yet precious life is. Thank you for your words that teach and inspire!

    • Jeff Perlman says

      Ted, first thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot. You are a good example of someone changing lots of lives. Your influence will span generations. I’m sure of that.

      • Jan Savarick says

        Jeff and Ted,

        You are both individuals who have had and continue to have great impact on many lives…many of whom will never know your names, but who’s lives will be changed for the better because of who you are and what you do.

        I salute you, and thank you both for “Being the change you wish to see in the world”

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