Sister Mary Clare greets a friend–she’s made many.
When we got up to leave Caffe Luna Rosa last week after a wonderful evening, Sister Mary Clare Fennell drew us close and grabbed our hands. Then, in her soft, sweet brogue she recited an Irish blessing:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Sister is leaving Delray on May 30 to go back home to Ireland and she’s busy making the rounds not to say goodbye, but to say thank you. And that’s what makes her so special.
Sister came to Delray in 1968 and in the nearly 50 years she has spent teaching and serving in Delray she has touched countless hearts and souls. But when I asked her if she ever thought about all the lives she has touched—through all those years leading St. Vincent Ferrer School and then serving at Emmanuel Catholic Church—she didn’t hesitate to answer: “No. I think of all the people who have touched my life in a positive way.”
That answer, stopped those of us at the table cold. And if you can get Fran Marincola to stop talking about parking,,well you know you’ve struck a chord (just kidding Fran).
It was just the start of a wide ranging conversation that touched on heroes—Pope Francis, Dorothy Day, Mandela, Gandhi—and love, acceptance and the pure joy of dining at a truly great restaurant with friends on a spectacular night in a great little city.
Sitting with Sister Mary Clare is like sitting with a rock star. People walking by recognize her, smile from ear and ear and come over to hug, kiss and chat.
When Sister came to Delray nearly 50 years ago this was a vastly different place. She remembers the heat, the lack of air conditioning and a few restaurants–places like the Patio Delray and Arcade Tap Room. Things have changed.
Over the years she built a school that children and families loved and made many friends along the way.
My wife and I are two of them.
When I served as a commissioner and later mayor, I found myself going to St. Vincent Ferrer School for various events and programs including a memorable discussion with students about homelessness in Palm Beach County.
I felt drawn to Sister. I appreciated her warmth and humor and sensed her intelligence and big heart.
She believed in love and community and making everyone feel welcome and cared for.
She has been a big part of Delray Beach. The Delray Beach we all fell in love with.
Because it’s not about the latest political controversy–they come and go. The sky has been falling for as long as I remember.
But it is about special people who bless us with their hearts, minds, talents and intellect.
Sister Mary Clare is one of those people. And she made a lasting difference in her corner of the universe —which lucky for us, was Delray Beach.
When the evening ended, we didn’t say goodbye. We said so long.
I hope to see Sister again. We all do. Hopefully, it will be in Ireland where she will take a little piece of Delray with her.
Until then, many of us will be forever grateful for the love and kindness of a wonderful friend.