Mimi, a six month Shepherd is missing. Call the Delray Equestrian Center at (561) 495-4701 if you have any info.
Animals Lost and Found in Delray is a new Facebook page designed to reunite people and their lost pets.
The new page recently made its debut on the world’s largest social media platform and is already buzzing with pictures and descriptions of lost and found pets.
Among the success stories, a stray cat recently was adopted after its owner could not be located.
A lost dog was also featured by a local family who found the pooch and many tips were received.
This innovative service is a welcome addition to Delray.
While the city is widely regarded as among the most pet-friendly communities in South Florida, there has been a longstanding issue with abandoned pets and dogs that get loose.
A few years back, the city employed an animal control officer, but the position was eliminated when city budgets were trimmed during the economic downturn.
At last count, the page had less than 50 “likes”, let’s boost that number and increase awareness as well.
If you’re on Facebook, search for “Animals Lost and Found in Delray” and hit the like button.
Check back often to see if you can help reunite pets with their loved ones.
Other online resources include:
https://www.lostmydoggie.com which recently listed 50 missing pets in Boca Raton.
Here are two highly recommended no kill shelters if you should find a lost pet.
Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League–3200 North Military Trail, West Palm Beach. (561) 686-3663 www.hspb.org
Tri-County Humane Society–21287 Boca Rio Road, Boca Raton (561) 482-8110 www.tricountyhumane.org