Julia Kadel is a 2024 Carl Angus DeSantis Foundation Catalyst Award winner.
It doesn’t feel right to mislead a friend.
But sometimes—if there’s a good reason— I suppose you can make an exception.
So, when I called Julia Kadel and told her I wanted to get together to discuss “Delray stuff”, I was telling a white lie. But I had a good reason.
Let me explain.
But first, if the name Julia Kadel rings a bell, here’s why. Julia and her husband Jeff are the founders of the Miracle League of Palm Beach County. For two decades, the Kadel’s and a team of volunteers have given every child with special needs the opportunity to play baseball.
The Kadel’s started right here in Delray Beach. In 2005, they came to the City Commission and pitched a vision to build a field for all children at Miller Park. I was mayor at the time. I remember how excited our City Commission was to help.
Julia and Jeff were watching TV one night and saw a news segment about special needs children playing baseball. They decided—then and there– that this would be their family’s heartfelt mission. They made it happen and along the way have touched countless lives.
Julia is a catalyst, someone who makes good things happen. And that’s why I called her and invited her to my office to discuss “Delray stuff.”
But the real reason was to surprise Julia by naming her a winner of the Carl Angus DeSantis Foundation’s “Catalyst Award.” The award is given to people who exhibit Carl’s spirit of taking action and making good things happen.
You can’t apply for this award, those of us at the Foundation survey the community and look for people who are doing amazing things.
Winners are given cash awards for their nonprofits and are honored at a luncheon in October courtesy of the Foundation.
Last year, the first year of the award, we honored Pastor Bill Mitchell for his work with CityLead and we also honored Danny Pacheco of the Delray Beach Police Department for creating Delray Kicks, a youth soccer program that has built magical inroads with immigrant communities that may not trust law enforcement.
Our other 2024 winner is Ted Hoskinson, the founder of “Roots and Wings”, a wonderful nonprofit that tutors students and recognizes the amazing work done by teachers.
Ted is a catalyst. Someone who saw a need and works passionately and relentlessly to fill it.
Mr. Hoskinson has a heart for teachers because he was one. He taught at St. Albans School in Washington, D.C., his alma mater.
Although Ted did not make teaching his life-long vocation, he has always cared deeply about elementary education. With his wife Anne, Ted decided that their joint legacy would be to establish and fund a charity to focus on children in need with the mission of improving their lives through education and encouraging strong, cohesive families.
Anne passed away in April 2016. In her honor, Ted began the mission they conceived together. Anne wanted to call the charity “Roots and Wings,” and the non-profit was officially established as a 501(c)(3) organization under that name.
In the ensuing years, Ted and his team have touched countless lives and this year they expect to serve 1,300 students in Palm Beach County. We have watched the effort grow from its humble origins in Delray, into a countywide organization making a profound impact.

Roots And Wings Founder Ted Hoskinson.
This award means the world to us at the Carl Angus DeSantis Foundation because it allows us to celebrate the spirit of our founder and honor those who are making a real difference in our community.
Like Carl– who loved delighting people he cared about– we like to surprise winners with the award.
Last year, we showed up at their workplaces with the news—and a check. This year, we worked with key people in the lives of our catalysts to gather friends and board members at one of our offices. We told a white lie to get them there, but then we opened the door to a conference room celebration.
Julia and Ted were very surprised.
And when I saw Julia’s shocked look, I felt momentarily guilty. I assured her what was happening was a good thing– a great thing actually– and how happy we were to say thanks to a community hero who has enriched so many lives.
My favorite part of this year’s announcement was the “circle of praise” we created (courtesy of my Foundation colleague Maritza Benitez) in which we had everyone in the room share why they adore Julia and Ted. (These were separate surprise events, but we will bring our Catalysts together at the luncheon).
To see the love in the room, the stories of gratitude and respect for these special people created something that’s hard to describe.
Julia and Ted are building community. Julia through baseball. Ted by recognizing unsung (and underpaid) teachers and by helping students create a better future through education.
These are the Catalysts that make our community special.
Special thanks to Jeff Kadel and Roots and Wings board member Joycelyn Patrick for making the day possible.
There were tears and lots of laughter. We left the room feeling blessed for having these special Catalysts in our world. They fill our hearts with joy and gratitude.