Bob Currie
She told me that while Delray was a wonderful town, we didn’t know how to say thank you to people who contributed greatly to our community.
I’m afraid that might be true.
So many good ones get away without formal recognition.
It’s not right and we should do something about it.
In fact, one of the reasons I write this blog and one of the reasons I invested in a community newspaper was to say thank you to special people who have enriched our community.
We lost Bob Currie last week and he was one of those special people. Very special.
If you like our public library, Bob is one of the people you should thank. He served on the library board for years and was dedicated to making sure we got a new one on West Atlantic.
He lived near the beach and was dedicated to the Beach Property Owners Association whose leadership adored and respected him.
He was passionate about historic preservation and was immensely dedicated to the restoration and success of Old School Square.
He loved the “bones” of the place taking special delight in the Crest Theatre.
Bob’s dad was an architect too and he was deeply devoted to the field.
He loved to paint, golf and travel.
He was smart, not afraid to argue for a position and earned his place as the dean of Delray’s architectural community.
Bob was a throwback to a time when dedicated volunteers made Delray Beach a very special place. They were long term players, deeply committed to Delray and able to work with others. They were interested in the big picture. Hence Bob’s interest in Pineapple Grove, the beach, OSS, the downtown and historic districts.
I miss those days.
Delray misses those days.
And Delray will miss Bob Currie.
He was a wonderful man. We were blessed that this is where he landed and that he decided to give his time and talents to Delray Beach.
Rest In Peace my friend.
yes. sorry to see him go. was on my list to call this week. met with him last year in his office.
was a great community minded guy; and talented.
Sending prayers to his family & friends. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Bob through one of his best friends. Rest In Peace Bob.
Delray was his canvas. His choice of medium, paint, colors, etc. was in his creative DNA. His brush strokes were bold, yet sensitive to the fundamental character of what makes Delray unique. He gave freely of his talents and asked others to do the same. Job well done Bob…..and we will miss you!
Didn’t Bob also create the new gazebo on A1A and Atlantic Avenue on the beach?
He was a great man – and handsome I might add.
RIP Bob.
Yes, his design was based on the original gazebo.
Thank you so much, Jeff! As the tears flow and my heart aches and I think how we have all lost so much ; we will never be the same. And then I remember a moment of creating, laughing, encouraging, hugging and I know I will
be ok…. we will be ok….. because there is not a street in Delray that does not bear his talent and soul! And the very heart of our town , OS, bears his heart! He is never lost. Heaven is now his pallet! I love you
I love you too Frances…we all do. Bob really was special.
Wonderful tribute Jeff, thank you. He was one of the great foundation stones of Delray in the “modern era” and gave and gave and gave his many talents and passion to our town. I hope we can find some special ways to keep his contributions alive and memories of him fresh.
So well said Matt. I know you lost a dear friend. I’m so sorry for your loss. We will keep his memory alive. I’m certain of it.
As a young guy with an arts background I had a lot to learn about restoration and construction / design. I was blessed to have a brilliant teacher in Bob Currie. He taught me so much and I proudly shared my passion for the arts and getting it right . What followed was a spectacular collaboration and mutual respect that lasted for
years. Bob created some amazing arts projects
not only in Delray but around the state. Thank you Bob for your selflessness, your humor, your passion and most of all your love for Delray… we will miss you so much …
So well said Joe. Bob was so fond of you. You were a muse.
Thank you for your beautiful tribute. His children appreciate your kind words.
Couldn’t agree more, Jeff….his loss will be felt everywhere in our Wonderful City.
If we ever have Charets again, where residents gather to provide input for a future project/vision for our City, Bob’s guidance, knowledge and love for all that is good about our City will be surely felt and deeply missed.
As a friend and as a BPOA Trustee partner I also was strengthened as many others by Bob’s unselfish traits. He was always there for people. Bob would never turn you down but open his heart, mind, talents and time in any way possible to assist. As a friend and for his many accomplishments, Bob will never be forgotten.
A world class human being. I loved seeing many of his original paintings & his detailed pencil sketches depicting architecture and spires from many continents. Together we archived many. Thank you Bob.