Bringing Stories To Life

The beautiful Delray Beach Playhouse.

A few weeks ago, I shared with you that I was writing a play.

Well…I submitted my work for a new play festival sponsored by the Delray Beach Playhouse.

I’m pleased—and somewhat shocked to announce—that my play was chosen as one of 10 to be performed at the festival October 19-20.

I am beyond thrilled by this news.

First, it was all I could do to muster the nerve to hit send a few months back. I’m very much a beginner in this world so sharing my work felt more than a little overwhelming.

Second, I had to scramble to re-write my play, which is much longer than the 10-20 page requirement of the festival. That’s not easy, I cut out two characters, condensed scenes and tried my best to stick to the rules.

I’ve known about this competition for over a year and thought maybe… just maybe… I should give it a go. After all, as Wayne Gretzky once said: “you miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.”

But because my play “The Cafe on Main” is conceived as a full-length piece, I thought I’d write something else for the festival.

I started on another idea: “The Ghosts of Lake Ida” before writing myself into a ditch. It happens. Writing isn’t easy. There are lots of ditches when you sit staring at a blank page—it’s easy to give up.

But I didn’t.

So, with “Ghosts” retired (for now) I went back to the Café on Main and shortened it, with no time to spare before the deadline. When I hit the send button, I felt a jolt of satisfaction and relief. No matter what happened, I figured I was in the game.

When I learned that the play was selected, I was overwhelmed with excitement. I love to write, but fiction and specifically playwriting is new to me, and I was forced to use and develop a new set of creative muscles. I think it’s healthy on the eve of my 60th birthday to try something new. I would encourage all of you to do the same.

The experience with the Delray Beach Playhouse has been nothing short of joyful. Marianne Regan is the director who spearheads this effort and it’s a big one. The competition attracts a fair number of submissions, and the commitment is real: reading, judging, casting, rehearsals, marketing, ticket sales and technical production. It’s something to behold—at least for this rookie.

I spent a recent weekend watching over 130 actors read for various parts in the plays that were selected. I was amazed at the talent that showed up on a holiday weekend to snag a role in never-before-seen dramas and comedies.

We saw actors and actresses of all ages—each so talented, everyone bringing their own creativity to the roles. I got to meet several playwrights—all so talented. When I heard their work, I was blown away and to be honest a little bit intimidated. I’m not sure I’m in their league. But here I am and it has been a joyous experience.

When I first heard my words being recited by talented actors I had a visceral reaction. My wife and I teared up when Peter Salzer and Nancy Ferraro auditioned. Their chemistry was off the charts—they were creating magic right in front of us making my words come to life in a way I could never fathom.

I thought back to those sleepless nights writing away on my iPhone app in the dark trying to fashion believable dialogue—trying to tell a story, trying to write something that might stir an audience’s emotions.

Hearing these actors and actresses read various scenes and bring them to life—stirred something deep inside of me. I think I caught the bug—four years post-Covid– this is the bug I want to catch. The desire to be creative, the desire to try new things, the willingness to be vulnerable despite those nagging doubts that stop so many of us. That’s the bug I want to catch, keep and explore.

I didn’t write “Hamilton” but that’s Ok. It’s my first effort and I’m committed to learning more about this wonderful art form.

In October, I will walk nervously into the beautiful 77-year-old playhouse overlooking Lake Ida and watch five talented cast members make magic. I sure hope the audience will like it, but even if they don’t, I’ll be happy and forever grateful to my hometown playhouse for giving me and others a chance.



  1. Mary K Stahl says

    Congratulations, Jeff! So cool. So sorry we won’t be there in October.

  2. Janet Meeks says

    That’s so exciting! Congratulations!

    When can I purchase a ticket?

  3. Susan Ruby says

    Congratulations…that’s wonderful!

  4. Felix Fusco says

    Congratulations Jeff. I am sure your play will be well received and enjoyed by many. Del Ray is fortunate to have you.

  5. Diane Franco says

    This is so exciting not only for you but for those of us who appreciate your writing skills and consider you a dear friend.
    I’m hoping you share how we can purchase tickets for this event that we wouldn’t miss for the world!! I

    • Jeff Perlman says

      Thanks so much my friend.
      I think tickets go on sale after Labor Day. I would love for you to be there!

  6. Joe Gillie says

    Live from Delray Beach it’s Saturday Night…
    There is still time….

  7. Always excited for individuals who do what scares them a little …and yet go forward! AND finish!

    We all know it will be great! AND interesting! Many will be present to view what a maestro has created.

    Another case of desire and ultimate determination! YEAH!

  8. Ben Willemstyn says

    Wow!! I am not surprised your play was selected – you are a natural playwright!

  9. Peter Arts says

    Congratulations Jeff

    So exciting. I am going to look into the other performances also

    Good news I just cleared my schedule for that day in October

  10. Jan Savarick says

    Can’t wait to see you at the opening night!
    Keep us posted when tickets go on sale!

  11. Gary Broidis says

    That’s fabulous Jeff. Congratulations!! Can’t wait to see it in Delray.

  12. Can’t wait to see the play – I always enjoy your writing and look forward to the Ghosts of Lake Ida!

  13. Frances Bourque says

    Is this FINALLY the beginning of GOOD Things happening in Delray Beach!????
    And it is no surprise it begins with YOU and the Creative Process that the artistic experience brings to a whole community!
    Bob and I will be there!

  14. Bill wood says

    You are the man… congrats!

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